

  • 10 minutes each instead of 15.
  • Friday presentations can go over a bit.
  • Remember: everyone must speak
  • Rehearsal: OH Thursday, Sunday afternoon 3 - 4:30

Morning Schedule


  • Akchheta, Celine, Sara
  • Alison, Emily, Melissa
  • Shanda, Shelbie, Sylvia


  • Cleo, Grace, Yujia
  • Dana, Jung, Rose
  • Caiyun, Milani, Prarthana
  • Amanda, Buyan, Michelle
  • Jacqui, Melissa, Whitney
  • Allie, Emily, Sibonelo

Afternoon Schedule


  • Kelu, Siyao, Siying
  • Arda, David, Thalia
  • Claire, Mahima, Van


  • Annakate, Emma, Sam
  • Amna, Anne, Nikita
  • Fei, Steph, Tu
  • Danni, Kate, Thao
  • Anne, Liz, Rebecca
  • Bharati, Ma'ame, Meher


Exam parameters

  • Anything in the notes (slides + boardwork) or HW is fair game.
  • MC + short answer
  • Emphasis on full holistic analysis from research question to conclusion in context.
  • One 3.5" by 5" notecard allowed.
  • Practice problems on Friday.
  • Recommended homework (not collected): Chapter 7, exercise 3.

Model Selection II

Searching the model space

For a given data set with many potential predictors, there exists many possible models.

How should we systematically evaluate those models?

A diagram

Model search strategies

  1. All best subsets
  2. Backwards elimination
  3. Forward selection
  • Note that each method may choose a different model!

Example: Bridge Building

The data

bridge <- read.table("", header=TRUE)
##   Case  Time DArea CCost Dwgs Length Spans
## 1    1  78.8  3.60  82.4    6     90     1
## 2    2 309.5  5.33 422.3   12    126     2
## 3    3 184.5  6.29 179.8    9     78     1
## 4    4  69.6  2.20 100.0    5     60     1
## 5    5  68.8  1.44 103.0    5     60     1
## 6    6  95.7  5.40 134.4    5     60     1

All best subsets

logDArea <- log(bridge$DArea)
logCCost <- log(bridge$CCost)
logDwgs <- log(bridge$Dwgs)
logLength <- log(bridge$Length)
logSpans <- log(bridge$Spans)
X <- cbind(logDArea,logCCost,logDwgs,logLength,logSpans)
b <- regsubsets(as.matrix(X), log(bridge$Time))
##          logDArea logCCost logDwgs logLength logSpans
## 1  ( 1 ) " "      " "      "*"     " "       " "     
## 2  ( 1 ) " "      " "      "*"     " "       "*"     
## 3  ( 1 ) " "      "*"      "*"     " "       "*"     
## 4  ( 1 ) "*"      "*"      "*"     " "       "*"     
## 5  ( 1 ) "*"      "*"      "*"     "*"       "*"

Build best models

##          logDArea logCCost logDwgs logLength logSpans
## 1  ( 1 ) " "      " "      "*"     " "       " "     
## 2  ( 1 ) " "      " "      "*"     " "       "*"     
## 3  ( 1 ) " "      "*"      "*"     " "       "*"     
## 4  ( 1 ) "*"      "*"      "*"     " "       "*"     
## 5  ( 1 ) "*"      "*"      "*"     "*"       "*"
m1 <- lm(log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs)
m2 <- lm(log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans)
m3 <- lm(log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost)
m4 <- lm(log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost + logDArea)
m5 <- lm(log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost + logDArea + logLength)
models <- list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5)

Compare best models

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Comparing best models

##             Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)   2.6617    0.26871   9.905 1.489e-12
## logDwgs       1.0416    0.15420   6.755 3.259e-08
## logSpans      0.2853    0.09095   3.137 3.116e-03
##             Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept)   2.3317     0.3577   6.519 7.902e-08
## logDwgs       0.8356     0.2135   3.914 3.356e-04
## logSpans      0.1963     0.1107   1.773 8.371e-02
## logCCost      0.1483     0.1075   1.380 1.752e-01

Comparing best models

The two and the three predictor model both do well, but the two predictor model is preferred because of the statistical significance of the predictors.

Be aware that when looking at p-values of many many models, the burden of proof should be much higher. That is, we need very low p-values to be convinced of statistical significance.

Backward elimination

backAIC <- step(m5, direction = "backward", data = bridge)
## Start:  AIC=-98.71
## log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost + logDArea + 
##     logLength
##             Df Sum of Sq  RSS    AIC
## - logLength  1     0.006 3.85 -100.6
## - logDArea   1     0.013 3.86 -100.6
## <none>                   3.84  -98.7
## - logCCost   1     0.182 4.03  -98.6
## - logSpans   1     0.266 4.11  -97.7
## - logDwgs    1     1.454 5.30  -86.3
## Step:  AIC=-100.6
## log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost + logDArea
##            Df Sum of Sq  RSS    AIC
## - logDArea  1     0.020 3.87 -102.4
## <none>                  3.85 -100.6
## - logCCost  1     0.181 4.03 -100.6
## - logSpans  1     0.315 4.16  -99.1
## - logDwgs   1     1.449 5.30  -88.3
## Step:  AIC=-102.4
## log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost
##            Df Sum of Sq  RSS    AIC
## <none>                  3.87 -102.4
## - logCCost  1     0.180 4.05 -102.4
## - logSpans  1     0.297 4.17 -101.1
## - logDwgs   1     1.445 5.31  -90.1
backBIC <- step(m5, direction = "backward", data = bridge, k = log(nrow(bridge)))
## Start:  AIC=-87.87
## log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost + logDArea + 
##     logLength
##             Df Sum of Sq  RSS   AIC
## - logLength  1     0.006 3.85 -91.6
## - logDArea   1     0.013 3.86 -91.5
## - logCCost   1     0.182 4.03 -89.6
## - logSpans   1     0.266 4.11 -88.7
## <none>                   3.84 -87.9
## - logDwgs    1     1.454 5.30 -77.2
## Step:  AIC=-91.61
## log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost + logDArea
##            Df Sum of Sq  RSS   AIC
## - logDArea  1     0.020 3.87 -95.2
## - logCCost  1     0.181 4.03 -93.4
## - logSpans  1     0.315 4.16 -91.9
## <none>                  3.85 -91.6
## - logDwgs   1     1.449 5.30 -81.0
## Step:  AIC=-95.19
## log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans + logCCost
##            Df Sum of Sq  RSS   AIC
## - logCCost  1     0.180 4.05 -97.0
## - logSpans  1     0.297 4.17 -95.7
## <none>                  3.87 -95.2
## - logDwgs   1     1.445 5.31 -84.7
## Step:  AIC=-96.95
## log(bridge$Time) ~ logDwgs + logSpans
##            Df Sum of Sq  RSS   AIC
## <none>                  4.05 -97.0
## - logSpans  1      0.95 5.00 -91.3
## - logDwgs   1      4.40 8.45 -67.7

Forward selection

mint <- lm(log(Time) ~ 1, data = bridge)
forwardAIC <- step(mint,
                   scope = list(lower = ~1, upper = ~log(DArea) + log(CCost) + 
                                  log(Dwgs) + log(Length) + log(Spans)), 
                   direction = "forward", data = bridge)
## Start:  AIC=-41.35
## log(Time) ~ 1
##               Df Sum of Sq   RSS   AIC
## + log(Dwgs)    1     12.18  5.00 -94.9
## + log(CCost)   1     11.61  5.56 -90.1
## + log(DArea)   1     10.29  6.88 -80.5
## + log(Length)  1     10.01  7.16 -78.7
## + log(Spans)   1      8.73  8.45 -71.3
## <none>                     17.17 -41.3
## Step:  AIC=-94.9
## log(Time) ~ log(Dwgs)
##               Df Sum of Sq  RSS    AIC
## + log(Spans)   1     0.949 4.05 -102.4
## + log(CCost)   1     0.832 4.17 -101.1
## + log(Length)  1     0.669 4.33  -99.4
## + log(DArea)   1     0.476 4.52  -97.4
## <none>                     5.00  -94.9
## Step:  AIC=-102.4
## log(Time) ~ log(Dwgs) + log(Spans)
##               Df Sum of Sq  RSS  AIC
## + log(CCost)   1    0.1796 3.87 -102
## <none>                     4.05 -102
## + log(DArea)   1    0.0185 4.03 -101
## + log(Length)  1    0.0169 4.03 -101
## Step:  AIC=-102.4
## log(Time) ~ log(Dwgs) + log(Spans) + log(CCost)
##               Df Sum of Sq  RSS  AIC
## <none>                     3.87 -102
## + log(DArea)   1    0.0196 3.85 -101
## + log(Length)  1    0.0129 3.86 -101
forwardBIC <- step(mint,
                   scope = list(lower = ~1, upper = ~log(DArea) + log(CCost) + 
                                  log(Dwgs) + log(Length) + log(Spans)),
                   direction = "forward", data = bridge,k = log(nrow(bridge)))
## Start:  AIC=-39.54
## log(Time) ~ 1
##               Df Sum of Sq   RSS   AIC
## + log(Dwgs)    1     12.18  5.00 -91.3
## + log(CCost)   1     11.61  5.56 -86.5
## + log(DArea)   1     10.29  6.88 -76.9
## + log(Length)  1     10.01  7.16 -75.1
## + log(Spans)   1      8.73  8.45 -67.7
## <none>                     17.17 -39.5
## Step:  AIC=-91.28
## log(Time) ~ log(Dwgs)
##               Df Sum of Sq  RSS   AIC
## + log(Spans)   1     0.949 4.05 -97.0
## + log(CCost)   1     0.832 4.17 -95.7
## + log(Length)  1     0.669 4.33 -93.9
## + log(DArea)   1     0.476 4.52 -92.0
## <none>                     5.00 -91.3
## Step:  AIC=-96.95
## log(Time) ~ log(Dwgs) + log(Spans)
##               Df Sum of Sq  RSS   AIC
## <none>                     4.05 -97.0
## + log(CCost)   1    0.1796 3.87 -95.2
## + log(DArea)   1    0.0185 4.03 -93.4
## + log(Length)  1    0.0169 4.03 -93.3

Stepwise compared

Backward Elimination

Optimal model based on AIC included log(CCost), log(Dwgs), and log(Spans). Optimal model based on BIC included only log(Dwgs) and log(Spans).

Forward Selection

Using AIC, the optimal model is the same as by backward AIC. Using BIC, the optimal model is the same as backward BIC.

We have the same choice between the 2 and 3 predictor models.


Activity 9

Build a full model (with no transformations) to the Haldcement.txt file from the book's website to predict the Y using all of the X's.

  1. Identify the optimal model(s) using all possible subsets and AIC/BIC.
  2. Identify the optimal model(s) using backward elimination and AIC/BIC.
  3. Identify the optimal model(s) using forward selection and AIC/BIC.
  4. Do the methods agree on the optimal model? If not, why not?
  5. Recommend a final model and provide your reasoning.