This problem has an interesting history related to Marilyn vos Savant.
n <- 1e4
simlist <- rep(NA, n)
for(i in 1:n) { # Replicate
doors <- sample(c("goat", "goat", "car"), 3) # randomly distribute prizes
choice <- sample(1:3, 1) # randomly choose door number (Simulate)
if(doors[choice] == "car") { # if you chose the car
opens <- sample(c(1:3)[-choice], 1) # host will open one of the two goats
} else { # he will have to open the other goat
opens <- setdiff(which(doors == "goat"), choice)
final <- setdiff(1:3, c(choice, opens))
simlist[i] <- doors[final] # Success?
sum(simlist == "car")/n # Estimate
## [1] 0.6702
simlist <- sample(1:6, 1e5, replace = TRUE)
mean(simlist == 3)
## [1] 0.16709
oddsimlist <- simlist[simlist %in% c(1, 3, 5)]
mean(oddsimlist == 3)
## [1] 0.3331937