Applied Regression Methods
Week 1
Homework 1 (due Friday)
- Please sign up for an office visit.
- Short Reading (if an article is blocked in your browser, search for the title using Google).
- Please complete this short survey.
- Also, please bring your laptop on Friday. There will be machines to borrow for those without.
Week 2
This week we’ll be going over the fundamentals of the R language, so please bring your laptops. Homework #1 is due Friday (adapted from materials developed by Olaf Hall-Holt and Paul Roback.)
- From vectors to matrices to dataframes: slides (html) (Rmd)
Week 3: Describing Data
Homework 2 will be due Sunday afternoon. Solutions to Homework 1 are now posted on moodle.
- Describing data in high dimensions: slides (html) (Rmd)
Week 4: Simple Linear Regression
Homework 3 will be due Sunday afternoon: Chapter 2, exercises 1(a, b, d), 2(a), 3(a, b), 7.
- Readings for next time: 2.1 - 2.4
- SLR: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Readings for next time: 2.73 and 2.74
- SLR II: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Activity 3 (Rmd)
- Inference on SLR: slides (html) (Rmd)
- If you need to review CI’s and H-testing, see Ch. 2 and 4 in OpenIntro Statistics.
- Helpful web app for visualizing what the t-table is telling you, or how pt() and qt() work. link
Week 5: Simple Linear Regression continued
Homework 4 is an extension of Homework 3. It is your chance to complete the parts from HW 3 that you may have left incomplete and to add in the addtional parts: 1(c), 2(b), 3(c). This homework must be done in markdown. Please add at the top of the homework three areas of interest for the group project. These will be three fields (e.g. public health, childhood psychology, sports/tennis, voting behavior, ecology) that you would be excited to work in for your project, which will include tracking down data and constructing a regression model.
Happy Mountain Day!
- Reading for next week: A Modern Approach: 3.1, 3.2.5, 3.2.6, OpenIntro: Ch. 5 (particularly 5.4).
- Intervals for E(Y|X) and Y|X: slides (html) (Rmd)
Week 6: Diagnostics for Simple Linear Regression
The quiz this week will cover: visualizing data, fitting a linear model, assessing whether the assumptions are reasonable, and inference (CIs, PIs). It will be posted this evening on moodle and due Friday evening. You may utlize resources such as the book, the internet, notes, slides, etc. You must do the work yourself however; no asking questions of other students, forums, etc. Please email me if you any questions come up.
- Diagnostics for SLR: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Activity 4 (Rmd)
- Outliers, Leverage, and Influence: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Activity 5: Classifying Midges (Rmd)
Week 8: Multiple Linear Regression
Homework #6: Ch. 5 exercises 1 and 3. Reading: Chapter 5. Helpful review of matrix multiplication: video, webpage.
- Analysis of Covariance: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Survey and Activity 7: slides (html) (Rmd)
Week 10: Properties of MLR and Diagnostics
No homework this week.
- Reading for next time: 6.1
- Properties of the Least Squares Estimates: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Diagnostics I - leverage and standardized residuals: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Diagnostics II - added variable plots and Activity 9: slides (html) (Rmd)
Week 11: More Diagnostics
Homework #8: Ch. 6 exercises 1, 2, 5.
- Reading for next time: 6.4
- Projects + Activity 9: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Diagnostics II - y vs y-hat, MMP, multicollinearity: slides (html) (Rmd)
- Case study - The war of the wine critics: slides (html) (Rmd)
Week 12: Model Selection
- Project presentations (pdf)
- Model selection: slides (html) (Rmd)
Week 13: Happy Thanksgiving!
Week 14:
- Exam Review
- Project Technical Report (pdf)